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Hedging - Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd Emerald Cedar' (4 Inch)

Hedging - Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd Emerald Cedar' (4 Inch)

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With proper care, these trees grow at a rate of 8-12 inches per year. For proper Emerald Green Cedar spacing for privacy hedges, use 18-24 inch between plants. For focal points, plant Emerald Cedars a minimum of 4 feet away from a wood fence, other trees, or barriers.

Prefer full sun and tolerate part shade. However, for the healthiest foliage, plant them in full sun. In very hot climates, provide a bit of afternoon protection if possible.

Water moderately in well-drained soil. A soaker hose around the tree planting will help keep these conifers well-watered, especially throughout times of drought and as they become established plants.

Wood chips act as effective mulch for water retention and to protect the roots of the young trees. As the trees grow and drop brown needles, the leaf material provides good mulch and nutrients to the plants.